Domingo Figal
1 year ago
ESC-HFA 2023 — Prof Domingo Pascual Figal (Hospital Clinico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca, SP) discusses the DAPA MODA study (NCT04707352).
The study aimed to assess the effects of dapagliflozin on cardiac remodeling parameters, particularly LA geometry and function, and biomarkers reflecting pathophysiological pathways. Findings from ESC Heart Failure 2023 revealed that dapagliflozin…
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Job title: Assistant Professor
Dr Giselle Melendez is anAssistant Professor atWake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, US.Commencing her scientific career at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine, Dr. Melendez focused on molecular mediators of myocardial extracellular matrix remodeling and heart failure. Notably, her research uncovered vital insights into inflammatory cytokines TNF-α, IL-6, and…
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Job title: Emeritus Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine
Martin G. St. John Sutton, MBBS, FRCP, a John Bryfogle emeritus professor of Cardiovascular Medicine in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, has received the 2016 Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Society of Echocardiography (ASE) for his pioneering contributions to structural and functional ventricular remodeling and repair.
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Dr Marc A Vos is a Professor and Chair of Medical Physiology at University Medical Center Utrecht, the Netherlands. His research Interests include cardiac electrophysiology, arrhythmias and ventricular remodeling. Prof Vos is member of EHRA, fellow of the AHA, board member of Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Heart Rhythm.
DrVos is a member of theArrhythmia & Electrophysiology…
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Job title: Professor Nicolau’s main area of research includes the broad spectrum of coronary artery disease (mainly ACS)
Prof José C Nicolau, Director of the Clinical Unit of Acute Coronary Disease of the Heart Institute - InCor / HCFMUSP, University of São Paolo, Brazil
Professor Nicolau’s main area of research includes the broad spectrum of coronary artery disease (mainly ACS), including hyperglycemia, LV remodeling, platelet reactivity, and antithrombotic therapy. He has participated in more than 80…
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Dr Mattias Duytschaever obtained his medical degree in 1995 from the University of Ghent and conducted research for his PhD into the role of atrial electrical remodeling in the management of atrial fibrillation , at the University of Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Dr Duytschaever completed his training in cardiology at the Academic Hospital Ghent, Belgium, from 2000 to 2002, and became Professor…
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