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Job title: Professor of Clinical Cardiovascular Imaging
Eike Nagel, MD, is a Professor of Clinical Cardiovascular Imaging in the Division of Imaging Sciences at King’s College London. Prior to this, he was a Consultant in Cardiology at the German Heart Institute, and an Associate Professor of Medicine and Cardiology at Humboldt-University in Berlin. He has a long-standing interest in non-invasive imaging and his research has focused mainly on… View more
Job title: Professor and Chairman of the Department of Radiology and Head of the Division of Nuclear Medicine
Research Area(s) / Expertise: Job title: Director, CV Imaging
Personal History Dr Marcelo Fernando DiCarli is the Executive Director of Cardiovascular Imaging program and Chief of the Division of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Department of Radiology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. He is also the Seltzer Family Professor of Radiology and Medicine at Harvard Medical School.2 Academic History He got his M.D. from University of Buenos… View more
Job title: Research Fellow in the Non-invasive Cardiovascular Imaging Laboratory in the Department of Cardiology
Dr Valentina Puntmann is Deputy Head of Department and senior clinical investigator with subspecialty interest in mutimodality cardiovascular imaging and conduct of clinical trials using imaging biomarkers. Her research projects focus on the development of novel imaging biomarkers for the detection of cardiovascular injury, supporting risk stratification, prevention and therapy. She is chief… View more
Research Area(s) / Expertise:

Imaging & Diagnostics

Job title: Head of Nuclear Cardiology Lab
Dr Gimelli is a cardiologist and nuclear medicine specialist with a specific interest in cardiac imaging. She has multiple senior roles both in her home institution and in several scientific and professional societies. She is the clinical lead of the Nuclear Cardiology unit, FTGM. Since her appointment in 2010, the unit grew +100% (from 500 to 1,000 scans/year). Furthermore, she has been… View more
Research Area(s) / Expertise: Job title: Cardiology Specialist
Personal History Dr Ron Blankstein is a Clinical Cardiologist, Researcher and Professor of Medicine affiliated with Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Academic History Dr Blankstein received his Medical Degree from Rush Medical College in 2001. He completed an Internal Medicine Residency (2002 - 2004) and a Cardiology Fellowship (2004 - 2007) at the University… View more
Research Area(s) / Expertise:

Echocardiography & Ultrasound


Job title: Director and Chief Executive & Head, Imaging Research, Baker Heart & Diabetes Institute, Melbourne, AU
ProfTom Marwick is the Director of Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute in Melbourne, Australia.Prof Marwick completed his medical and cardiology training in Australia, followed by an Imaging Fellowship at Cleveland Clinic, a PhD at the University of Louvain, Belgium, and a Masters in Public Health at Harvard.Currently serving as the Director of Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute, Prof Marwick has… View more
Job title: Professor of Cardiovascular Imaging and Cardiologist
Prof Robin Nijveldt is Professor of Cardiovascular Imaging and Cardiologist at the Radboud University Medical Center in Nijmegen, NL and connected to the Radboud Institute for Health Sciences. He works at the department of Cardiology and focusses on the Vascular damage research theme, with a special interest in Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance imaging, CT and echocardiography, and in close… View more