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Research Area(s) / Expertise: Job title: Cardiologist
Dr Mikhail Kosiborod is a cardiologist, the Vice President of Research at Saint Luke's Health System, and Professor of Medicine at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, US. He is also Director of Cardiometabolic Research and Co-Director of the Saint Luke’s Michael & Marlys Haverty Cardiometabolic Center of Excellence at Saint Luke's Mid America Heart Institute. Dr Kosiborod is an… View more
Dr Thomas Kahan is Senior consultant in cardiolgy at the Department of cardiology, Danderyd University Hospital Dr Kahan is on the Editorial Board of European Cardiology Review. Research Interests Neurohormonal control of blood pressure and cardiac function in man. Specifically, we study how the sympatho-adrenal mechanisms and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system influence… View more
Job title: Consultant Cardiologist and Chief of the Division of Nutrition and Preventive Medicine
Personal History Dr. Peter A. McCullough was born in Buffalo, New York, on the 29th of December 1962. During high school, he and his family moved to Wichita Falls in Texas and later settled in Grapevine. He has lived and worked in various parts of the United States, including Washington and Michigan, and he now resides in Dallas, Texas. Academic History Dr. McCullough attended Baylor… View more